Food is a priority at St Vincent’s and we pride ourselves in providing high-quality nutritional meals.
We serve excellent traditional home-cooked, wholesome meals with a varied menu, and this is prepared in our fully equipped, spacious, modern catering facility.
There is always a choice of menu which takes into account personal preferences and special diets.
The menu incorporates as many fresh ingredients as possible, as well as seasonal fruit and vegetables. The menus are also always displayed on the dining room notice boards.
The dining room is situated on the ground floor and meals are generally served here. Whilst residents may be served in their room if they wish, mealtimes can be a very sociable occasion and residents are encouraged to join together in the dining room.
Beverages and snacks are available at all times. Morning, mid-morning, afternoon, and evening beverages and supper are served to residents wherever they prefer. Residents have the facility to make their own beverages in the dining room. The dining room refreshment facility also enables residents to make themselves a light evening snack.
Relatives and friends are welcome to join residents for meals by prior arrangement, for which there is a small charge. They are welcome for coffee, tea and other hot drinks at any time. They are also welcome to join in themed lunches which are a particular favourite of the residents who currently reside in the Home. Themes include Valentines, Easter, Halloween and Saints Days.
Meals are served at the following times:
Monday to Sunday
Breakfast 0700 hours - 1100 hours
Lunch 1300 hours - 1430 hours
Tea 1700 hours - 1830 hours
Supper 2000 hours onwards
For meals outside these times, residents are requested to make the necessary arrangements with the Head Chef.

“I feel assured that Mum is receiving a very high standard of care. Mum instantly took to the caring, friendly staff, who were kind and respectful with her. The staff are very professional and approachable, they are informative and supportive. At this very difficult time of Covid, I feel mum is in a safe environment which is reassuring. The home is following the strict government guidelines, whilst still being sensitive to the emotional needs of our family and we are very thankful."